Devini15 Donation Credit Shop
$1 = 1×Credit
×001 - 1 Jumping Jack
×002 - Extend stream by 10 minutes
×004 - Buy me a shot
×005 - Cat ears 10 minutes
×005 - Add something to overlay
×005 - 1 Push Up
×007 - Draw something
×010 - Pick a game for next stream (or the rest of this one)
×015 - Funny Candy
×020 - End stream
×020 - Change the Discord role colors
×020 - 24 hour timeout (user of your choice)
×030 - Custom meow
×030 - uwu
×050 - Yahtzee
×050 - Roblox
×050 - Fortnite
×050 - Hot Tub Stream
×070 - URL to my old YouTube channel from middle school (this is not worth $70, do not buy this)
×080 - Drive to Woodman's (if sober)
×100 - Change the price of any Bimp redeem (except inflation) for a week
×200 - Choose my fit for a future stream
Credits can be spent instantly or they can be transferred, banked, or given away. Subscribers have the option upon subbing or resubbing to immidiately spend 5 credits or bank 3. Should they fail to specify, they will be given the 3 after the stream. I can change or remove items from the shop at any time for any reason. If I cannot or will not fulfill a credit redeem for any reason, I will refund the transaction but if PayPal takes a cut of that refund it will not be compensated. Limitations applicable to the "Switch Game" redeem will also apply to changing the game via credits. If you choose my fit and I do not own the correct clothing, you will also be expected to provide any missing articles by mailing them to my PO Box. I will not fulfill any redeem that I think may put me or others in danger. I will not violate ToS. If I clearly establish that I will not be honoring a redeem for the remainder of a given stream, further attempts to purchase it may not be refunded. Credits are a bonus given to thank subscribers and donators, they are not sold and have no cash value.