Score Meanings
01/10 - Really hate this one.
02/10 - Couldn't be arsed to finish this
03/10 - I only finished this game because I was streaming it.
04/10 - Alright but also fundamentally flawed.
05/10 - I wouldn't say I disliked it, but I would've been just as fine if I hadn't played it.
06/10 - It's alright but I really think they could've done better.
07/10 - I had fun playing this game but some things about it still bother me.
08/10 - A good game, had a few things I feel could've been done better, but still worthwhile.
09/10 - A great game, I'm glad I played this. Well worth the cost/time commitment.
10/10 - Absolute dynamite, one of the top games of all time for me. This game has impacted me in a way that is truly unique. Banger for the ages.