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A Little to the Left

The puzzles were unique and interesting, finding solutions felt good and putting it all together was very satisfying. The graphics were very pleasing to look at and the game was challenging but not too challenging. The difficulty was kind of all over the place, which isn't strictly a bad thing but does feel a little out of place in a puzzle game, then again, some puzzles might be harder or easier for different people, and it didn't seem like there was really meant to be much of a difficulty curve after the first few "tutorial" levels. All the solutions (that I found) made sense and I did feel clever for uncovering them all. The way the game gives you feedback when you're going in the right direction feels almost hand-holdy in some of the puzzles, but absolutely necessary for solving others. I liked that the symmetry puzzles automatically adjusted the positions of objects once you figured out what you were doing, although the bug in the leaf puzzles where some of the leaves didn't grow back was frustrating and confusing, especially when I didn't know about it. The final part of the game felt a little odd and out of place, but I think the music did a lot for it. I do think the cat tupperware section went on for a bit too long as I was beginning to wonder if it would continue indefinitely by the time I was finally reaching the top. I was also a little disappointed that I was able to beat the entire game in one sitting. It's clear that a lot of love and effort went into it, but I just feel like there should be more content for what they charge for it, though honestly it wasn't that expensive. Also, very possible that the game would start to get pretty repetitive if they made many more levels, I think they reached a limit on how far they were able to explore the concept.

Overall, it was a pleasant experience and certainly a unique game. I don't think I would recommend buying it unless it's on sale though.

